Reflective 3: Global HRIS
In this topic to discuss about the global programs are available, and from this topic include global human resources information systems (HRIS) in organization. Besides that have different human resources information models. There three different strategic need that drive organizations in selecting each model is a first they must need for responsiveness through local differentiation. Secondly the need for efficiency through global integration and the need for learning through leveraging worldwide innovation and knowledge sharing.
After that this topic explain about the types of model is a multinational model, global model, international model, and transnational model. Multinational refer to responsive approach to implementing and managing human resources information systems by being sensitive to local and relational different. Besides that this model more to the one that manages a portfolio of multiple, national human resources systems, allowing local operations a significant amount of freedom and organization. Multinational is taking to consideration for example HSBC bank.
Secondly is global model, this model refers to is one that takes an efficiency approach to implementing HRIS building a single, standardized, centralized systems. In the organization see a uniform global operating environment as the driving force. This model one sixe fits all and it forces a single view of HRIS on organization to the point that local needs are generally not adequately met.
Besides that international model ,is refer to sharing approach to implementing and managing human resources information system by transferring and sharing or adapting knowledge and expertise to local organization while continuing retain consideration influence and control over the local organizations. These models allow for exploitations of the parent company core competitions through the adaptation of technology business practices, product, services, knowledge and experiences. For example Caltex.
A transnational model is the transnational human resources information system one that embraces and exploits such paradoxes that often have contradictory implications. In their organization increasing complexity, diversity and volatility. Also that bring efficiency through an integrated network of competencies and process, provides flexibility through specialized roles and responsibilities, and creates a learning organizations through the facilities of multiple innovation process.
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